Francisco Sanchez is a 4th year resident in a Harvard affiliated Emergency Residency program who is about to become the first person to complete residency with a spinal cord injury.  He shares his story in hopes that it will connect with others in similar situations.
Francisco takes us with him on his journey from a big, 6’2 medical student, who met David Fajgenenbaum (Ep019) at a gym, because he needed a spot. After his injury, he was unable to move most of his body below his chest. In the highly stressful environment of medicine, Francisco could easily have given up on his choice to be a physician. Instead, he defied the odds and chose to persevere, even rigging his wheelchair to make sure not to topple over when he delivered babies. The Two Disabled Dudes are honored that this podcast episode is the first time Francisco is speaking publicly about his injury and experience.

Best of luck in your medical career, Francisco! Your courage and your fortitude are remarkable. You are the embodiment of tenacity!