Today we are happy to bring to you a conversation we had with Aimee Lyons, Kyle’s Crossfit coach and the owner of CrossFit King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Aimee talks to us about the importance of functional fitness - a fitness program designed to enhance our ability. This is the root of her goal as a physical trainer, and it’s essential to those of us with physical disabilities. Maintaining our functionality is key to us living longer and healthier lives - as is the case for everyone!


Aimee also talks to us about the importance of nutrition, and Sean brags that a couple years ago he cut vegetables out of his diet and has never been happier. But he was joking. I think.


Thanks to Aimee for building a community devoted to living healthier and for being so passionate in what you do. You’ll see Kyle at your gym soon!


2018 Ataxian Athlete Initiative (AAI)

We are thrilled to announce that applications are now open for the Ataxian Athlete Initiative. AAI was started by Kyle, and is a competitive grant for people with any form of ataxia towards adaptive cycling equipment. The deadline is June 4, 2018. Find more information and begin an application at