We're bringing you a follow-up episode detailing our progress to the challenges we gave each other in a previous episode (026). We are working towards greater self-discipline! Inspired by our conversation with Drew Dudley (025) and the book Living With A Seal by Jesse Itzler, we issued a few challenges to each other and this episode brings an update to our personal performance.

The first challenge we talk about is our 100-pushups-per-day challenge. The 2DD Pushup-up challenge started strong, but both of us have had a couple misses since the beginning, and since this episode recorded! Oops. Although not 100%, we talk about our progress and the discipline this challenge has pulled out of each of us.


The second challenge was to log all the food we eat for a month. We've accomplished the logging, but as you can see here, we still enjoy food, or make poor choices - depends how you look at it! After all, not having that birthday cupcake may have been offensive to some. This has been a great exercise for us and we are happy with the awareness it has increased for each of us.


The last challenge was to come up with a list of five lessons we have learned in our lives.


Sean's List:

You may not be able to choose your circumstances but you are in full control of your response to whatever circumstance you find yourself in.
Don't make all of your life decisions based only on money.
Every single person has value, and it's our responsibility to find it for ourselves and help identify it for those around us.
There are other perspectives to things in life that we should consider.
Be present in the moment.

Kyle's List:

Remembering people's names is important!
Define your goals in life.
Always be on the lookout for the opportunities that are presented to you.
Fake it 'til you make it!
Fireflies are under appreciated.

Seriously, fireflies? Kyle is strange.


How about you, how do you stay on track with self-discipline? What are five, or just one, life lesson(s) from your experience? We want to hear from you! Comment here or on the 2DD Facebook.