Next Episode: 002 - Self Image

First of all, thank you for all the kind and encouraging feedback over the past week.  Keep it coming!  The best way to help the podcast is to visit us on iTunes, and/or Google Play, and/or Stitcher, subscribe, and leave a review - it will help other awesome dudes and dudettes find the show.  Thank you! - The Dudes

Life happens and many things are out of our control.  What is in our control is how we react to those situations.  Our reactions often define the outcome of a situation - good, bad, and anywhere in between.  In this episode we talk about our reactions to challenging circumstances.  We also give a few examples of people that have had a positive and productive reaction to challenging circumstances.

A few things we talked about in this episode:

Toward the end of the episode, Sean requests that listeners leave a comment about how you face the challenges in your life. Scroll to the bottom of the episode page to leave your comment: Episode 001.

Christopher Reeve accomplished so much after his injury.  Our research came from his book Still Me, and from his Wikipedia Page and linked articles.

Jake Juip is wise beyond his years.  Check out this charismatic dude in his recent video: