Previous Episode: The Master (2012)

bip bap you jazz cats... we're going back to the swinging 60s for a sleek, slick, mod New England HEIST film! Who would have thought a movie in New England would be about bank robbers? It's the original Thomas Crown Affair and it's seeeeeeexxxxxxxyyyyyyy. We need some wholesome recommendations coming up because the boys are getting randy (Do I make you horny baby - Austin Powers). This thing has all your New England favorite traditions: lobster bakes, downtown Boston, horse polo. It's a very fun episode and you don't even have to break into our hearts to get it. What? The Thomas Crown Affair stars the Pierce Brosnan of his day, Steve McQueen and the Rene Russo of her day, Faye Dunaway, and the Dennis Leary of his day, a third guy that plays a cop! Balcony!