Gather up your elder signs and pray for a swift death cause the Balcony Boys are back to their witchy roots and we're paying homage to the Elder God Cthulhu and YogSobbaDoo with 2019's Nicolas Cage mindwrap Color Out of Space. Richard Stanley is back, baby! It's almost like he never left! At the very least, one of the balcony boys knew who he was. This is a weird ass movie and it was a weird ass record as Bill McMorrow succumbed to cosmic space madness on more than one occasion and somehow drops the Facetime call a minimum of 17 times and EACH EVERY ONE WAS LEFT IN CAUSE SEAN IS BUSY BEING AN ADULT! It's Two Boys in a grove, conducting blood rituals to the Ancient Ones! Color Out of Space stars NICHOLAS FUCKING CAGE HALF WAY THROUGH HE STARTS TALKING LIKE DONALD TRUMP AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WATCH IT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????