If you've been keeping track of me here, on Twitter or Tumblr,
you know that I'll be a first-time dad by the middle part of June of
this year.  My wife and I are having a baby girl, and we have
decided to name her Clementine.  I'm not going to sit here and type that we named her after Telltale's video game Walking Dead
character, but I will say that by playing through all 5 episodes of
the game, hearing it over and over throughout the course of 10+
hours, and seeing a helpless little 7 year old girl deal with the
un-dead, it did rub off on us. It really is a sweet little girl name.  Read from that what you will.  I also
am obligated to say "I love you" to my wife after that, because my
wife is totally on board with that name.  Not only is she on board,
she loves it and thinks it's sweet.  There is no word yet on the
middle name just yet, but we're working out the details on a short
and sweet middle name. Any ideas? Send them my way.

My name is Justin and my wife's name is Jennifer.  Two of the most
common 1980's names there are.  Some people want us to do a "J"
name.  Other people are glad we DIDN'T do a "J" name.  Some people
we tell aren't on board with Clementine (or Clem, or Clemmy).  And
to all of those people I say:  1) She is my daughter.  2) She is
Jen's daughter.  3) She will know how to use her biting words and will
sling phrases around with the best of them on the playground.  I
fully expect her to grow up to be a stand-up comedian.  And although
stand-up comedians do sometimes get picked on (it fuels their
material), they do eventually grow up and have their own HBO
specials and make millions of dollars.

Despite all of the excitement, fear, and anticipation that goes
along with bringing a kid into this world, I still want to talk
about those vidya games.  Sure sure, call me crazy and tell me I have
other more important things to worry about, but I still feel like I
have something to say about them; to review them, to discuss the
broad range of topics they cover, and to read up on all of the
insight that goes into making those fun games along the way.  I
don't have as much time as I used to, but I will be on here from
time to time spilling the beans and getting as much of this stuff out as I can. 
It all won't be logical.  Hell, it might not even make sense.  But
I'll try, and it will help me scratch this interactive media itch I have.  So
please indulge me. Plus, you'll occasionally get updates on Clem's
status, so there's something to look forward to if you're into the whole baby thing.

Back to video games for the moment -

It feels like it was only yesterday when I shut down the mics (not
permanently) on the podcast I co-created with my friend Dalyn called
Twisted Gamer Radio.  Sadly, when I actually look back it was over a
year now. 

So much has happened in that year.  What happened? I have no idea,
but that's how life is, isn't it? We try to look back and grasp our
memories or accomplishments, only to have them slowly slip through our
fingers (thank you Princess Leia for help on that quote).  I'm not done with the whole
podcasting thing.  I haven't sold off all of my gear.  I haven't
quit paying Amazon to host all of my .mp3 files.  You can still
access the RSS feed and download the episodes that are there.  All
13 of them.  But I need somewhere to vent.  Somewhere to release
these words and tire me out, so I feel like I don't have anything
left on this topic anymore.  Even with a kid and being eventually
sleep-deprived, I feel like I will still be interested in and
wanting more video game news from the internet. 

This brings me to my current state.

With Bioshock: Infinite coming out tomorrow, I set in motion a plan
to get the game for "free".

I normally buy video games months, if not years after they're
released (unless they are a highly anticipated title).  Games in the
Mass Effect, Bioshock, Borderlands or any other game that piques my
interest will be picked up on day one.  I will find a way to get
those.  Others, I mostly wait on them because by the time I'm ready
to play them, they're cheaper, but also because I'm too busy playing
another past game in my backlog that I need to experience.  I almost
said "get rid of", and that's wrong.  I don't mean it that way.  In
the coming months, I probably won't have any time to game at all, so
getting rid of as much backlog games as I can will ease me into
parenthood and more importantly the next console generation.  Wait,
reverse that. 

If you can't read in-between the lines, that pretty
much means I'll be slaving away on previous generation games for
about a year before I make the move (and have enough money socked
away in diapers) to buy a new Xbox or PS4 console.

I've been on a tear recently, having picked out and completed over
10 games to trade-in for Bioshock: Infinite.  Most of the games are
ones I've held onto, but realized I'm probably never going to play
them.  Something inside me snapped, and that set in motion a massive
picking of games out of my backlog cabinet. 

Some of the games I
picked have been out so long they have sequels out already, but I
kept them to experience the story and see the progression from the
first game in the series to the second, or second to third, etc. 
I've always said that I need to pick away at my backlog (even
writing a post on Loot Ninja a long ass time ago about it and my
problem), but I never stuck to that code of "beat a backlog game,
purchase a new game" mentality. This brings me around to my current plan.

I want to go back into my video game backlog and beat games that I
started but never finished, or beat games from years ago to help get
me the ultimate prize of the perfect game:  Bioshock: Infinite* 
(based on current review scores of all major blogs and Metacritic

Currently I'm making my way through Gears of War 1 with a friend
(who needs the co-op achievement), and on the PS3 side of things I
started the Killzone 3 single-player.  After that?  I've got to finish a
date I started back in March of 2012 with Nathan Drake and Uncharted
3: Drake's Deception.  Then it's on to the other 24 disc-based games
I have in my catalog both on the Xbox 360 and PS3.  Thank god that
this summer is upon us and the slow crawl to October is on, so I can
do some catching up game-wise.

As for the blog, I plan on keeping you updated on my progress and I
also plan on reviewing and sharing my thoughts on smaller, indie
titles on all platforms that deserve the exposure (how little of it
they do get from my blog).  This will give me the opportunity to
still hack and slash away at my backlog, but keep you guys informed
on all things indie games as they get picked up on my radar.  I'd
love to say that I will promise to keep you guys updated on all of
this, but you never know just what will happen.  I will try though,
so there's that.

What about you readers?  Have you put a game so far back in your
backlog, that it took you weeks, months or years to come back to it?

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