September 20-26, 1997

Today Ken welcomes old friend, frame-maker and comedian Ryan Douglass to the show.

Ken and Ryan discuss bible eating, book stores, the last time Ken saw Ryan, Princess Di, all the places Ryan has lived, Home Improvement, The New People, Baywatch, Elton John, TV Movies, Unicorn Sculptures, Lance Burton, COPS, the Walsh Brothers, Early Edition, Chicago, Short Circuit, Bullit, Superbowl, Sister Wendy, Catholic Television, bad Notre Dame tattoos, Dave Thomas, Grace Under Fire, confusing Suddenly Susan, Veronica's Closet and Just Shoot Me, Cybill, Billy Corgan, Ryan meeting Smashing Pumpkins, Ghoulardi, Svengoulie, CHUD, Newradio, Lovitz replacing Phil Hartman, Spin City, The Tony Danza Show, High School football, Ellen, The Drew Carey Show, Party of Five, Empire Records, Hi-Fidelity, Riders of the Purple Sage, TNN, The Country Music Awards, Ryan's 7th Grade Reading Teacher's band, Sabrina, Salem the Cat, The Newbury St. Newbury Comics, Condom World, trying to figure out George Clooney's break out movie role, Meego, Teen Angel, Manhunter, Millennium, switching Networks, priests, Cracker, southern accents, Football injuries, Kathy Lee's unseemly promotion, people named Wes, and a glowing tribute to Brendan Tartikof.