Today Ken welcomes writer/producer/podcaster/sports announcer Ken Levine to the show.

Ken and Ken discuss Ken's Hollywood home, Hirshfelds, Emmys, the golden age of television of the early 70s, the horrors of working as a radio DJ, getting laid off before Christmas, forgetting a person's real name and calling them by their actor name, David White of Bewitched, Erin Murphy, being in the army reserves, moving into writing for TV, reverse engineering scripts via bookstore remainders and reel to reel audio recorders, writing for The Jeffersons, M*A*S*H, being in the audience for Mary Tyler Moore's "Chuckles Bites the Dust", how getting laid in 1973 would have ruined Ken's career, Rhoda, writing a spec Mary Tyler Moore, having your Rhoda spec rejected twice, Charlotte Brown being your neighbor, shows going more than four seasons getting weird, Newhart, cliche Holiday episodes, The Odd Couple, showrunning M*A*S*H, keeping 95% of your actual writers' draft, the lazy writing of current sitcom comedy, Cheers, Fraiser, Almost Perfect, reworking the concept of your show, when Norm didn't hit until Cheers started airing, Grant Tinker, Cheers almost getting canceled, NBC, the Sam vs. Diane dynamic, your show getting canceled despite it doing well, the loss of Big Wave Dave's, dating a Neilson family, and Ken's podcast.