Today Ken welcomes Tony Campos and Derek Abrams of Ministry.

Ken, Tony and Derek discuss the lawlessness of New Hampshire, Grizzly Adams, the importance of MTV, growing up in L.A. with a half pipe, the terrifying cold of Minnesota, impressing Kurt Loder, Knight Rider, watching Def Comedy Jam with grandma, SNICK, Mr. Bicycle Man, Static X, wanting to be on Beavis and Butthead, Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Young Ones, Ministry's Twilight Zone, horror flicks, falling asleep to the Shining, Army of Darkness, Ash Vs. The Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Outer Limits, Canon Picture, Golan and Globus, Monsters, An American Werewolf in London, Heavy Metal, Transformers, being invested in media, video games, Fringe, Lost, Stranger Things, Miami Vice, Don Johnson's music career, Anthrax on Married...with Children, Looney Toons, the nostalgia cycle and the future of art.