In this episode recorded live at Gary Sohmer's Southcoast Comic Con at the Hanover Mall, Ken welcomes The Monkees Micky Dolenz to the show.

Ken and Micky discuss the innovation of the Monkees TV show, the Marx Brothers, the influence on MTV, directing television, Metal Mickey, Circus Boy, working behind the scenes in England, the 1997 Monkees reunion movie, "Head", Mickey's Rock N Roll tastes, Little Richard, Hellzapoppin', the divide between TV and movie actors, Michael Nesmith's Different Drum, pop music, Randy Scouse Git, Til Death Us Do Part, the surprise of the 80s Monkees revival, the 1986 reunion tour that was scheduled for 12 weeks and lasted three years, working with Disney, Boy Meets World, Jack Nicholson, how the Monkees lead to Easy Rider which lead to a Hollywood revolution, "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls", being at the crossroads of old and new Hollywood, the iron fist of the network censors, the Devil, playing the part of a drummer, The Beatles, Headquarters, The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, Circus Boy, having parents who keep you grounded, and Dolez and Daughters Wood Working Business.