Today Ken welcomes actor/comedian Mark Valley (Keen Eddie, Fringe, Human Target) to the show.

Ken and Mark discuss the nature of leaf blowing, the mid 70s, the premier of Barney Miller, upstate New York, taping TV on audio cassettes, Soap Opera exposition, earning cue cards, Marlon Brando, how a military career being stationed in Germany leads to becoming an actor, growing up with CBC and Canadian media without being Canadian, German Method acting, Hasselhoffin', All in the Family, Vietnam on TV, The Gulf War, The Macy's Parade, Spin City, Charlie Sheen, musical theater, The WWII Model, Keen Eddie, ER, Alexie Sayle, meeting the owls from Harry Potter, movie vs. TV, acting, working in the UK, the Queen, Alan Partridge, Boston Legal, acting against William Shatner and James Spader, Fringe, being starstruck, the difficulty of walking and then talking, George C. Scott, and wanting to be an old miserable actor someday.