On this special Jet Black Friday Holiday edition Ken welcomes author and Christmas TV History expert Joanna Wilson (Tis the Season TV, The Christmas TV Companion, Triple Dog Dare) to the show.

Ken and Joanna discuss watching and surviving a 24 hour marathon of A Christmas Story, The Waltons, The House without a Christmas Tree, Sad Christmas vs. Funny Christmas, Scrooged, It's a Wonderful Life, charity, homelessness, being a life long TV junkie, carving out a niche, Rankin Bass, emotional connections to Holiday TV, why holiday and Christmas specials are not just for Christians, Holiday Traditions, Christmas Ghost Stories in the UK, Yule Logs, Cleveland, The Dick Van Dyke Show, the "Show within a Show" sub genre, Variety Shows, Family Ties, The Famous Teddy Z, The Six Million Dollar Man, Spenser for Hire's Hopes and Fears, Bank Robbing Santa Claus on Police Woman, Monsters' Glim Glim, Tales from the Darkside, The Simpsons, shoplifting at Christmas, Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge, learning to appreciate the thought over the gift, Good Times, Bewitched, The Partridge Family in a Western Ghost Town Christmas, personal greetings from your favorite shows, Saturday Night Live's Christmas Merrython, SCTV Christmas, John Waters, Cheers and It's a Wonderful Life, Seinfeld's Festivus, and why The Twilight Zone episode "Night of the Meek" may be the greatest Christmas episode of all time.