Production note: We are continuing the split episode format so make sure you download both!

Zach is back and we're going over:

Muppets The Break Even Challenge from SCG Charlotte Metagame update What's going on with Modern Listener questions What we would play right now A Spice Rack card to pick up!


Show notes:

1) Our sponsored link for Decked Builder is so go check it out!

2) The Jund list I played for the Break Even Challenge at SCG Charlotte is here

3) Top 32 decklists from the event are here 

4) Supporting evidence for the winner of the Best Muppet Poll is here



The Patreon is up so if you’ve ever thought “How can I support Turn One Thoughtseize” well, go on over to and join The Cabal! Signed cards, Discord, swag, we got it all over here!

Get at us on TwitterTwitchFacebookYouTube and good ol’ email!

Thanks for listening and make sure to tell a friend!

– Ahren & Zach

INTRO SONG FEATURING Shael RileyBeefyTy Guenly and Tanner of The freakin’ Grammar Club remixed by me!

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