Production note: We are continuing the split episode format so make sure you download both!

Zach is taking the week off as he is knee deep in Pro Tour prep. Pro Tour competitor and Jund master Jadine Klomparens joins me this week to cover:

Candy The Break Even Challenge Update Guilds of Ravnica for Modern Aftershocks Attacking the SCG metagame Tireless Tracker replacements Mailbag and more... We even found another Spice Rack card in the new set!


Show notes:

1) Our sponsored link for Decked Builder is so go check it out!

2) The pre-order period for the new playmat will be ending on October 31st. Check it out here:

3) My current Jund list for SCG Charlotte is here:

4) Jadine's articles are posted on Star City Games every Tuesday, they can be found here:

5) To learn more about the coaching service I am using, contact Emma directly here:

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