This Xmas special episode is a rewind to a new edition of one of my favourite episodes with actor, comedian and

singer Michael Crawford.

It was an absolute privilege to talk to Michael and particularly poignant as Michael had helped me get through a

chronic illness that he had suffered himself some years before.

Michael has had an extraordinary career in TV, the theatre and film, working alongside Gene Kelly,

Barbara Streisand, Walter Matthau and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

He has been described as one of our most outstanding all-around performers.

Michael talks about his early career, how his role as Frank Spencer in 'Some Mothers' became a springboard for a

film career and the painstaking detail and training he went into to perform the role of the Phantom in

'Phantom of the Opera' - an extraordinary Broadway and international success.

In these difficult times, I hope Michael's stories and reflections will bring a smile to your face and a warm glow to

your heart.

Finally, the disaster that interrupted his later career and how he recovered to renew his career on the West End-stage.

Episode credits;

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: [email protected]


Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

Growing Up, Elementary, Dreamtoflying and Childhood by Scott Buckley  

Audioautix  River Meditation