KO and Heidi sit down to solve the world's problems... AKA sip tequila, share our journeys (thus far), and reaffirm that world change starts with getting to know ourselves and evolving from the inside out. If you are not #FollowingHeart and out of alignment personally, professionally, athletically- how is that missed out fulfillment really costing you energetically AND financially? Shift from what you are supposed to do to what your want to do (responsibly) and the world just might evolve alongside you. Thankfully, over time we have (started to) further develop a sense of self and begin to prioritize goals, time, hopes, dreams... and tequila/botox budgets. Take notes AND bring an eraser:)   Highlights: Sustainability, communication, balance, environment... all as global AND personal conversation. Universe vs. plan, money vs. time vs. impact, getting uncomfortable, and building a global network. Recognizing your influencer and taking responsibility for it. If you want to break free, please do-here is how we did it/are constantly in process of doing it. #InfluencerIRL ... earn your tank like Heidi :)   Who: Heidi Rose Buckhout Heidi is a freelance business owner who specializes in writing and marketing in the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) space. She owns Manifest Ink, LLC, a writing and marketing strategy company. She is one of those rare unicorns who was born in Colorado and still lives here, although she travels enough to know that there are plenty of other magical places to be. She earned her BA in Technical Journalism from Colorado State University and holds an MA in Sustainable Development and Responsible Management from the University for Peace in Costa Rica. She has logged time in corporate and non-profit offices and has lived in worked in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Her mission is to connect people to stories and write words that compel people to make a positive impact on the world.   More at www.TurmericAndTequila.com

KO and Heidi sit down to solve the world's problems... AKA sip tequila, share our journeys (thus far), and reaffirm that world change starts with getting to know ourselves and evolving from the inside out. If you are not #FollowingHeart and out of alignment personally, professionally, athletically- how is that missed out fulfillment really costing you energetically AND financially? Shift from what you are supposed to do to what your want to do (responsibly) and the world just might evolve alongside you. Thankfully, over time we have (started to) further develop a sense of self and begin to prioritize goals, time, hopes, dreams... and tequila/botox budgets. Take notes AND bring an eraser:)   Highlights: Sustainability, communication, balance, environment... all as global AND personal conversation. Universe vs. plan, money vs. time vs. impact, getting uncomfortable, and building a global network. Recognizing your influencer and taking responsibility for it. If you want to break free, please do-here is how we did it/are constantly in process of doing it. #InfluencerIRL ... earn your tank like Heidi :)   Who: Heidi Rose Buckhout Heidi is a freelance business owner who specializes in writing and marketing in the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) space. She owns Manifest Ink, LLC, a writing and marketing strategy company. She is one of those rare unicorns who was born in Colorado and still lives here, although she travels enough to know that there are plenty of other magical places to be. She earned her BA in Technical Journalism from Colorado State University and holds an MA in Sustainable Development and Responsible Management from the University for Peace in Costa Rica. She has logged time in corporate and non-profit offices and has lived in worked in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Her mission is to connect people to stories and write words that compel people to make a positive impact on the world.   More at www.TurmericAndTequila.com