Previous Episode: 29. Conscious Career Change
Next Episode: 31. Letting Go

LOL… laugh out loud. Love out loud. Live out loud. All the things, out loud. If you know me, out loud is a comfort zone:), mostly because I naturally have no volume control. Perhaps my creator knew I’d have a podcast one day? (Thank you God, Madonna, glitter, and tequila)… Who knows, but what I do know, after MANY years of uncomfortable biz, sports, personal, and life conversations- humor can save the day. In our current reality, many tough conversations and decisions are coming to the table, thank goodness, and we need find common ground and connection to communicate effectively, with open minds. The range of education, exposure, and tolerance (and so much more) varies greatly person to person. It’s hard to broch tough convos, to want to have them, and then to know how to have them. What about tough convos with kids? There is no rule book for any of this AND communication is the one thing we need the most right now. So, knowing that all things might be imperfect and that there are likely many uncontrolled variables with every tough convo, I offer humor as an entrance point. This is a skill in itself, hence I am SO excited to have Debbie Scheer on the show with me to cover her background and how her gift with humor has been a powerful entrance point to heavy conversations and challenging points in life. Debbie is gracious, smart, experienced, quick, and humble. She has mastered the art of communicating a heavy message with a comforting wave of humor surfing in the larger topic at hand. It’s a vital skill set that we should all embrace. Enjoy a good listen, notes suggested:)



Humor. Communication with adults, kids, and everything in between. Stand up comedy, fundraising, auctions. Sex Ed. Life pivot points that are blessing in disguise. Following your heart… out loud. Motherhood and adoption. Positive energy and embracing the universe looking out for you. It takes a village. LOL.


Debbie Scheer is a speaker, emcee, benefit auctioneer, and humor coach/strategist who resides in Denver, CO. with her two children.

As a speaker, Debbie effortlessly uses humor as a way to break through the discomfort that prevents us from talking about the things that we NEED to be talking about. Her motto is, if we can laugh about it then we can surely talk about it, regardless of what the ‘it’ is. 

When Debbie isn’t speaking, emceeing, or raising money for nonprofits, she can be found forcing her children to hike with her in the Colorado mountains. You can’t miss them on the trail because she is the one shouting, “WE LIVE IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STATE IN THE COUNTRY”, while her boys let out deep sighs of annoyance as they eye roll their way along the trail. 

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