Previous Episode: 26. HOT CUP #1
Next Episode: 28. Clean Beauty

I believe in the power of communication and conversation. And, I believe in the necessity of uncomfortable conversation. If we can breakdown walls, we can breakthrough with evolution. Besides, looking the other way is so 1990. Like fitness, you tear down the muscle (workout) for it to grow back stronger #itsscience.  On this cast I sit down with the founders and creators of the Dear White Women Podcast, Sara and Misasha, and we get our convo cardio in! These women are POWER PLAYERS. They are equal parts: drive, dedication, experience, and education… ½ white, ½ Asian… 100% influencers IRL. They are true bright lights leading us all to positive change.

We are all products of our environments- social, cultural… digital norms. We have exposure to very different things. We have different conscious and unconscious bias. This cast is a beautiful love note encouraging us to pause for a moment and think about why we think a certain way and experience things the way we do? As our world and realities further blend (thankfully so), these are hard conversations that we need to have now for our future generations. It’s not about attack, blame, or guilt. It’s about conscious evolution and acknowledgment, thus allowing space, grace, and empathy for someone that experiences life on the daily different that you do.  Collectively, if we can understand one another further, we are one step closer to harmony…. A long way to go, but hope is on the horizon.


Questioning a better way. White women. All women. Everyone. Race and adults. Race and kids. Personal and professional experience, from Harvard to motherhood to the corporate world to podcasting. Our differences and our similarities. Being enough. Breaking outside of what we know and seeing what we don’t know. Teaching moments and learning curves. Mission, understanding and unity. Communication for the greater good.

Sara Blanchard

Sara Blanchard helps communities build connections through conscious conversations, which she does as a podcaster, facilitator, TEDx speaker, writer, and happiness consultant. Having worked at Goldman Sachs and taught positive psychology at Harvard, Sara speaks the language of traditional accomplishment, but for over 10 years, Sara has also pursued the science and techniques of well-being as a life coach, mother, and author of Flex Mom. In addition to emceeing events like the World Happiness Summit and facilitating meaningful panel discussions, Sara now co-hosts award-winning Dear White Women, a social justice podcast that highlights the humanity in the history, race, and happiness of the United States. 

Misasha Graham

Misasha Graham has spent her life attempting to bridge gaps, both professionally and personally, and foster understanding among groups of people.  Misasha is an accomplished attorney, specializing in intellectual property law and cross-border work with Asia, with over ten years spent at several international law firms honing these skills.  She is currently a Special Counsel at a Bay Area law firm, having stepped away from BigLaw to focus more on being present at home.  Misasha is also passionate about diversity, equality and inclusion in the practice of law as well as in her communities.  Besides being a Megaformer instructor, she is the proud mom of two very active young boys, and the co-host of the award-winning Dear White Women, a social justice podcast that highlights the humanity in the history, race, and happiness of the United States.

Dear White Women, Podcast

Sara & Misasha are the co-hosts of Dear White Women, an award-winning social justice podcast for busy people, who wish they knew more about race, happiness, history & current events in the United States. Their personal drive to leave this world a better place for their children became the impetus for this show, and each episode builds on their shared core beliefs in the humanity of all people, and that we rise by lifting others. 

In a nutshell: they are best friends who met decades ago when they were walking out of a racial identity conversation (they’re both half-White and half-Japanese) as undergraduates at Harvard.  Misasha is married to a Black man, is a lawyer, amateur historian, and Megaformer fitness coach; Sara is married to a White Canadian man, is a life coach, positive psychology aficionado, and happiness consultant. Together they have four very mixed-race school-aged boys and girls.  The podcast brings all these perspectives into consideration, as they dive into uncomfortable, informative conversations that help them - and listeners - know better and do better for themselves and the communities they’re in.

You can listen to their new episodes every Wednesday, on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and anywhere you subscribe to podcasts.

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