“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”

-Edmund Burke


There is a LOT going on in our world right now and a major piece of our current heartbreak has to do with the situation going on in Ukraine. Like many of you, I have felt helpless watching the news seeing innocent people being attacked and forced to fight or flee their homeland. It’s impossible to believe that such a thing can even exists in 2022. My heart is full however, to see local humans of Denver, CO doing what they can to be proactive, to be “helpers”.

I am so excited to welcome Johnathan McFarlane to the T&T mic… true story, I have known Johnathan since elementary school and saw him and his mission, Pallets For Ukraine, on the news. So, I of course dropped him a note on Facebook (cuz that’s what adults do:) and we got to talking from there. Johnathan shares his motivation to just jump in and do something, how he got started, how his whole family is working together to make theses awesome flags and give back EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR that comes in to the people of Ukraine. This is an awesome story of proactive initiative to help someone else and somehow it comes back to serve you. I don’t fully know what this world needs, but I do know it’s more of that. Johnathan thanks for shining some super hero qualities and leading the way- no doubt us fellow Americans are proud of your work, especially that awesome kiddo if yours!! Check out https://palletsforukraine.com/ , to see how you can get your flag or start a similar initiative wherever you are located!



To give is to receive. Being a helper and doing it with pride. Something bigger than ourselves. Keeping the faith and doing what you can because it all matters in the end. Elementary school, 90’s singers, and caring about the next generation. Facts about Ukraine and major props to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s current President. The impacts of war. Being useful. Plan-less, but hopeful… sometimes you just have to figure it out as you go!


Pallets For Ukraine                   

We made donations to NGOs that are assisting the humanitarian crisis, but that’s not enough. Pallets for Ukraine is our avenue to multiply our efforts, allow others to show their support, and provide help to those that need it most.  

Pallets for Ukraine is a family project started by a Grandpa, Son, and Granddaughter in Denver, Colorado. We collect pallets, disassemble them, and turn them into Ukrainian flag yard signs. The signs are then sold with 100% of the money raised being donated to several different charities working in Ukraine. All the materials we use are donated, so every dime raised goes to help the Ukrainian people. The only cost is our time, which we are proud to give! 

Funds go to: International Rescue Committee, Project Dynamo, Airbnb 



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IG: @TurmericTequila

Facebook: @TurmericAndTequila

Website: www.TurmericAndTequila.com


Host: Kristen Olson

IG: @Madonnashero

Tik Tok: @Madonnashero

Website: www.KOAlliance.com