“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

– Albert Einstein


I felt compelled to chat on this topic today- lots going on in life, so let’s discuss! Entitlement is a funny thing… in fact it’s an imaginary one, because when it comes down to it, we are not entitled to a damn thing at the end of the day. Let’s be clear, I am not talking human rights or social issues in general, I am talking about day to day, family, friend, work, relationships- life stuff. Society has set out a list of ideals for us that “we should do” or “should expect”, but we are here to gracefully disrupt those sold realities and dial back into our own awareness of what we do and do not need. Maybe you need up your protection of your own energy OR perhaps this is reminder not to unnecessary unload or expect something that is not entitled to you. Life ebbs and flows, we have all been on both sides of the coin, the magic happens in the shift back to center. On this cast I dig into personal responsibly and why it’s important to protect your energy. Specifically, we discuss 15 ways to protect that energy from MindFool.com and 5 specific ways to protect your energy if you are an empath from Dr. Judith Orloff, UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. I have coached, managed, hired, and lead hundreds of humans and there is one thing I know FOR SURE: you have to meet people where they are at. Worry about what you can control and show up as your best self, everything else is on the individual. Be mindful of what you give and of what you take- the more awareness we can create the better it is for everyone. I hope my lessons can streamline some learnings in your life!



Protect Your Energy in 15 Easy Ways 

Updated on April 23, 2021 | Published on January 9, 2020
 Reviewed by Nathalie Carden, Spiritual Healer

We are energy beings surrounded by everything made of energy. There is always an exchange of energy going around and involving us. The things you do and the people you associate yourself with have a way of transferring their energy into you. Therefore, it’s better to understand the importance of protecting your energy.

Why is it important to protect your energy?

How to Protect Your Energy?

Observe Your Environment Trust Your Intuition Set a Standard For Yourself Practice Meditation Visualize a White Light Protecting You Cleanse Your Space Cultivate a Positive Mindset Think Before Reacting Absorb Positivity Use Affirmations Trust in Your Inner Power Stay Active and Purposeful Stop Judging Others Ground Yourself Don’t Grant Permission

How to protect yourself from negative energy?

How to protect your energy as an empath?

Maintain distance Breathe deeply Meditate Learn to say “No” The protective shield method

How to protect yourself from evil energy?



Personal responsibility. Entitlement. Not taking on the victim role. Protecting your energy. Self-care is not selfish. Boundaries, space, and absorbing positivity. Everything we learned in kindergarten is all we needed to know. Turmeric & Tequila. Meditation, mediation, and mindfulness. Love and positivity are choices.



Kristen M. Olson: 
Entrepreneur. Creative. Athlete. Podcaster. Pup Mom. 
Experienced and innovative marketing and branding professional with 20+ years’ experience in brand development and management and particular expertise with integrated marketing strategies, strategic territory management and relationship building. Broad based background encompasses strong work ethic and commitment to organizational objectives within highly competitive athletic apparel/CLG/Lifestyle markets. Tactical planner and team builder with ability to attract key players and develop lasting business relationships. Recognized for decisive leadership and proven ability to execute sound decisions while directing product development and launches. 
Founder, KO Alliance, LLC (www.KOAlliance.com
Founder, Colorado Rising Stars Lacrosse, LLC (www.crslax.com
@CRSLAX Founder, 
Turmeric & Tequila (Podcast) (www.TurmericAndTequila.com
*George Mason University, D1 Lacrosse, 3X Capt. 
*5X CrossFit Game Athlete, 2nd Place Affiliate Cup Finish 2011 
*Multitude of lacrosse and CrossFit competitions (fuller list here) 



TheMindFool.com Mission:

We all have our own set of personalities, qualities, and traits adding to our uniqueness. Yet, we all are on a hunt to improve this persona. And so, we TheMindFool are on a mission to become a one-stop solution to impart lessons on personality development, teamwork as well as enhance mental and physical health.

We focus on generating content that will help the suppressed to rise above the challenges. We aim to become a key when a person hits a roadblock in life. Our simple tips intend to strengthen your mental health to make the right decision at the right time.

With this, we assure you to bring in a new ray of hope and success. Our rich content will make you aware of your inner strengths, thus welcoming stability and resistance in your lives. And we are confident, that every reader will be able to embrace a newer and better version of themselves!

Alongside this, we also aim to improvise your leadership, managerial, and personal skills. Our goal is to help you build a successful career with simple tips. Because we are positive that our medium will give the confidence to cherish a successful professional and personal life. And bring in abundant success to your organization and yourself.



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IG: @TurmericTequila

Facebook: @TurmericAndTequila

Website: www.TurmericAndTequila.com


Host: Kristen Olson

IG: @Madonnashero

Tik Tok: @Madonnashero

Website: www.KOAlliance.com