Previous Episode: 0. The Pilot

KO and fitness studs, Katie Corio, and Amber Dodzweit Riposta, both Oxygen Mag cover models, share their journeys in the health and fitness world thus far. We touch on how more people follow fitness influencers than any other category and the social media impact on our youth. Highlights include: battling digital editing, skinny marg recipe, taco bell, and what is next for them!   Run Time: 1:03:32   Who: Katie Corio:  I am a NASN Certified Expert-Level Personal Trainer and Licensed Sports Nutritionist, with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. I compete in the Bikini division of Women’s Bodybuilding and work as a fitness model for Live Fit Apparel! Connecting with people through my social media platforms and having the opportunity to meet them in person while traveling to various expos has proven to be the most rewarding job, and I am truly grateful!   Amber Dodweit Riposta: Raised in a missionary family in the Congo Africa. Amber Dodzweit Riposta is an All -American track and field athlete, national champion professional tackle football player, 13x fitness cover model, and women's circuit training expert. She created BUILT FOR HER (an online women's athletic training club) in 2014 to teach women how to find freedom and a deeper sense of purpose through athletic training and empowerment. Currently residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Married to Holistic Nutritionist Andrew Riposta - Amber hosts women's events and creates athletic training content for women from all over the World.

KO and fitness studs, Katie Corio, and Amber Dodzweit Riposta, both Oxygen Mag cover models, share their journeys in the health and fitness world thus far. We touch on how more people follow fitness influencers than any other category and the social media impact on our youth. Highlights include: battling digital editing, skinny marg recipe, taco bell, and what is next for them!   Run Time: 1:03:32   Who: Katie Corio:  I am a NASN Certified Expert-Level Personal Trainer and Licensed Sports Nutritionist, with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. I compete in the Bikini division of Women’s Bodybuilding and work as a fitness model for Live Fit Apparel! Connecting with people through my social media platforms and having the opportunity to meet them in person while traveling to various expos has proven to be the most rewarding job, and I am truly grateful!   Amber Dodweit Riposta: Raised in a missionary family in the Congo Africa. Amber Dodzweit Riposta is an All -American track and field athlete, national champion professional tackle football player, 13x fitness cover model, and women's circuit training expert. She created BUILT FOR HER (an online women's athletic training club) in 2014 to teach women how to find freedom and a deeper sense of purpose through athletic training and empowerment. Currently residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Married to Holistic Nutritionist Andrew Riposta - Amber hosts women's events and creates athletic training content for women from all over the World.