Previous Episode: 57: Mudit Ameta
Next Episode: 59: Evil Leader

More Elixir, the Philly Popepocalypse, and Emoji!

Microsoft Edge - Download virtual machines
Phoenix Framework
Elixir Fountain Podcast
r/askscience - Does Anyone Know the Terminal Velocity of a Potato?
How PAPER Magazine’s web engineers scaled their back-end…
Ticketleap is SEPTA’s secret weapon in this whole papal train pass situation
Brittany Forks eLife

More Elixir, the Philly Popepocalypse, and Emoji!

Microsoft Edge - Download virtual machines
Phoenix Framework
Elixir Fountain Podcast
r/askscience - Does Anyone Know the Terminal Velocity of a Potato?
How PAPER Magazine’s web engineers scaled their back-end…
Ticketleap is SEPTA’s secret weapon in this whole papal train pass situation
Brittany Forks eLife

PicksJustin: Productive for iOSJearvon: Taylor Swift - Bad Blood, miesPam: emoji-translateLen: Spyfall

These shownotes are also available at Campbell: @justincampbellJearvon Dharrie: @jearvonPam Selle: @pamasaurLen Smith: @ignu

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