Previous Episode: 32: Holiday Spectacular
Next Episode: 34: 2014 Retrospective

The Silly Premise

Flattening Combinators: Surviving Without Parentheses
LLVM Weekly
Y Not- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich - YouTube
Obfuscating "Hello world!"

The Silly Premise

Flattening Combinators: Surviving Without Parentheses
LLVM Weekly
Y Not- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich - YouTube
Obfuscating "Hello world!"

PicksLen: The MartianPam: Making maps - the role of Frontend Infrastructure at Etsy on VimeoJearvon: RE:GENERATION, nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblockJustin: Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012]

These shownotes are also available at Campbell: @justincampbellJearvon Dharrie: @jearvonPam Selle: @pamasaurLen Smith: @ignu

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