Take a look around our historic city with the amazing Tours of Tulsa.

Tulsa looks awesome on Tours of Tulsa! I’m excited to talk with Kelly and learn all about the amazing things they do down here, and I mean down here, in an underground tunnel. Recently, our team did a little tour, and we had the best time in downtown Tulsa. We wanted to talk to Kelly so that she could share what they do here.

How’d you start this business? Tell us all about it.

My name is Kelly Gibson, and I’ve been touring in town now for 15 years. I have not always had the pleasure of owning my business, but it was in 2013 that I was fortunate enough to buy the tour company. Then I hired and trained six tour guides that work for me. We’re doing all types of tours on a daily basis.

This city is so rich in history; we have beautiful history in Tulsa. We also have history that’s not beautiful, but it’s our responsibility to tell all of it because our history is who we are in Tulsa.

What are some of the most popular, or your favorite, buildings or things to feature on the tours?

Our most popular, most requested tour happens to be a walking historical art deco tunnel tour. A lot of people think we’re just going to be walking through the bowels of downtown Tulsa, but that tour is rich with history and many stories. We love that tour, and it lasts for an hour. However, if you’d like an hour and a half or even two hours, we can walk for that long.

“Our history is who we are in Tulsa.”

I sure hope that so many other people can experience your tours. What’s the best way that people can find out more?

You can email us at [email protected], give us a call at (918) 625-4909, and we have a website as well. All of our tours are private, so you can choose your best day and time and let us know how long you’d like to go.

Typically, the way that we charge for our tours is $80 per hour, but that’s not per person. That rate is good for one to 10 people on walking tours. If you have more than 10 people, we have additional guides so we can have multiple groups going at the same time. Everyone can start and end at the same time, just in smaller groups.

I love it so much; I know we’ll be looking to set up another tour here soon. Thanks to Kelly for sharing her stories! It’s so fun to learn. Their biggest goal at the end of each tour is that people will have a brand-new appreciation of the city of Tulsa.

Don’t forget to book your tours, and let us know if you need anything. Just call or email us. We’d be happy to help!