Previous Episode: Tofu with J. Claude Deering
Next Episode: Chocolate with Meg Joh

Actress/comedian/storyteller Maya Shemesh faces a tall order this week. Not only does she have to face down her fear of blue cheese, but she also has to endure a lengthy lesson on candy striping,  and a round of situational eats involving futbol phenom Pele and his need for soup as well as the color obsessed character Royg Biv. She then musters the courage to take on a tasting involving the largest volume of (blue) cheese ever assembled for the show. The tasting included St. Agur, Rochefort, Danish Blue, Gorgonzola, a triple cream blue cheese and a blue brie as well as mac and blue cheese, St. Agur blue cheese sable cookies and roasted pears with crumbled blue cheese.