Where does creativity come from?  Are the ideas that pop into your head your ideas?  If you were creative once, surely you could be intentional about being creative again, right?

    We had some fun with this week's conversation as Chip Venters joins #truthseekers to talk about his insatiable reading habits, and a concept encapsulated in the 1960's Mad Men-era businessman, the 3-martini lunch!  Both strategies seem to promote creativity (in different ways), but the approaches are actually quite similar if you strip it all away.  Let me explain what they have in common...

    We cannot be creative when we are stressed.  We cannot be creative when we are hyper focused.  We cannot be creative when we are worried about events from our past or in our future.

    These 2 strategies promote relaxation... a way to shake things up and see things from a different angle.  #truthseekers promotes drinking responsibly (of course) if you are drinking at all, but you get the point.  Sometimes stepping away or taking our mind off things creates the space we need to come up with a solution we just could not have seen before.  We have much more stored away in our brains, information waiting for a place to land, than we give ourselves credit for...

    So pull up with a martini, come hear Chip's reading recommendations (they are good ones), and join us on a jovial episode of #truthseekers with serial entrepreneur Chip Venters!

~ Coach Josh


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