People first.  Always.

I once had a sales job where the leadership only cared about my production.  What results did I get for the company?  What actions was I taking to produce those results?  How could I drive more business?  I was pushed, and ended up doing very well converting many new clients and earning a great commission and income.

The questions above were necessary to achieve more success, no doubt.  In fact, I learned quite a bit about the importance of metrics and performance evaluation at that company.  However, I am no longer an employee there.  I didn't feel valued and fell out of alignment with the direction of the company, and so I sought employment elsewhere.

I had all the success in the world at that company.  I earned a 6-figure income.  I was respected by my peers as a top performer, and I helped others around my achieve success, too.  What does that say?  What went wrong?  Why did I leave?

This week's #truthseekers guest, Jon Rennie, shares his views on leadership.

A former U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer, Jon operated in a very cramped space where he got to know his peers intimately.  His experience in the Navy has shaped his approach to running companies - prior to starting Peak Demand, a premier manufacturer of critical components for electrical utilities, he led eight manufacturing businesses for three global companies.  Today he hosts his own podcast called, "The Deep Leadership Podcast".  If anyone knows anything about leadership, it's Jon!

During our conversation, Jon references a recent moment in history when the granddaughter of President Gerald Ford commissions the USS Gerald Ford Navy ship by concluding her speech with, "Man the ship and bring her to life!"

How powerful.  The ship is merely "a cold hunk of steel sitting in the harbor".  What brings it to life?  The people.  Listen as Jon draws the analogy of the best ways to bring a company to life.

Do you consider yourself a leader?  How do you know?  What might be some ways you can gauge if you're a good one?  

Jon has some ideas.  We know you'll enjoy this week's episode with Jon Rennie!

~ Coach Josh

Be sure to check Jon out:


Deep Leadership

The X Factor


Jon's Blog:


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