How do you think about setting goals?

What are the “right” goals to set?

On this week’s episode of #truthseekers, we coaches talk about having a well-balanced approach to goal creation.

I, Coach Josh, entered the coaching world 3 years ago so that I could make an impact using my natural abilities, while at the same time living a lifestyle I enjoy.

It dawned on me that I hadn’t yet set any “lifestyle goals” since beginning my career as a business coach.

Much like connecting ONE spoke on a wheel, or ONE side of a canvas on a trampoline, I was left wondering what to do with my empty time since my only goal was business-related.

My new perspective is thinking it terms of counter-balancing my goals.  If I have a hustle/grind goal such as making income, what “time” goal can I set for myself that will balance out my busyness.

I can apply the same principal my relationships, emotions, health, etc.

What about you?  What is something new you might try with your goals this year?


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