Success leaves clues.  And one thing successful people do is deal with “things” well.

I’m talking about the unpredictable… the external factors… the things out of our control.

Anyone can be successful if everything goes according to plan.  What we’ve noticed about successful people is that they seem to handle situations very well when the unpredictable happens.


According to this week’s #truthseekers guest Matt Drinkhahn, CONSISTENCY is the key.  Coach Matt gave the example of Michael Phelps, “play the video tape…” – listen to the conversation this week to see what he means.

“If we know what situations we might be in, we can practice them.”

Got a recurring challenge in your life?  “identify it,” says Coach Matt.  As we reinforce all the time on #truthseekers, the first step is AWARENESS.

The coaches go into this conversation much more deeply during this week’s episode – enjoy!


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