Today, we are chatting about breaking generational trauma whilst raising kids/teens. I talk about my parenting experiences, motherhood, loneliness, teens' mental health, social anxiety, school avoidance (refusing school / can't go to school), and how we blame parents so we don't have to look at the systems that harm aka how school is not a place all kids can thrive in, especially neurodivergent children (of course how we parent makes a massive difference too, but this what they want us to do, blame our parenting rather than how things are stacked against us).

I talk a bit about conscious parenting, parent shaming, repair work, technology, making mistakes, boundaries with kids and teenagers that are developmentally appropriate over punishments, and the lessons I've learned. I talked about my struggles with being present and being exhausted. My diagnosis of complex PTSD and not having that elusive village or support system and having family who doesn't understand a trauma-informed approach or breaking cycles that are unhealthy. This episode is not parenting advice, I'm still learning and getting it 'wrong', and yet these things have already made a huge difference so I wanted to share it in the hopes it might be helpful to others. It's my story, experiences, and things I've learned along the way that has helped.

I mentioned Aly Pain and Maggie Nick from Parenting with perspectacles (if you listened) and wanted to look them up, there are two teen parent coaches whom I've learned so much from their social media accounts on Instagram alone. 

Hope you enjoy it,

Kirsty xx
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