Sarah Klein is an attorney for the California law firm Manly, Stewart and Finaldi and a leading voice on sexual abuse and other legal issues in the media. She is also the first known victim of former Olympic Women’s Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. Sarah was an elite gymnast who trained from the age of 8 under Coach John Geddert, the head coach for the 2012 U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team whose gym she describes as highly abusive, cult-like, and even worse than the sexual abuse she suffered by Nassar. We talk about all of this plus updates on the Larry Nassar fallout and the brave gymnasts who have fought to hold him and the other institutions involved accountable. 

Show Notes

Check out Sarah’s website and her podcast Bar Fights
Follow Sarah Klein on social media: Twitter Instagram Facebook 

Read Sarah’s Op-ed in the Guardian

Sarah works at Manly Stewart & Finaldi 

Sarah is on the board of ChildUSAdvocacy

Find the Truth & Consequences website, Facebook page, Instagram & Twitter accounts. Find the Second Wound website, Facebook page, Instagram & Twitter accounts. Learn about personal coaching with host Miranda Pacchiana, MSW on the Second Wound website coaching page. 

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