Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series. 

This August 2017 re-release episode explores the ways we can become frozen in our lives and how we can begin to move beyond freeze.

Discussed in the episode: 

What the freeze response is and why it happens
How shame accompanies a state of freeze and why
Common areas we can experience a freeze response
Why fear can be a sign you have bitten off more than you can chew
Tips to help you grow beyond any place where you may feel frozen

This Divine Feminine Awakening series provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you. 

May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.  

To join me in community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/divinefeminineascensionleadership