We truckers encounter rookie drivers all the time. The question today is how you handle these situations. I tell you two stories that happened to me recently that may open your eyes a bit. Or you can ignore them and continue to be a jerk face. Your choice.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

Check out fiverr.com for all your little needs. I'm betting someone over there can help you for $5.

The Trucker Country CD by Erich McMann winners are SFC Sapper, Kevin I., and Eric M. Check out the 5:25 min video showing how I chose the winners using Random.org, a random number generator.

If you didn't win you can always find out more about the Trucker Country CD on Facebook, the iTunes Store, or Google Play. And don't forget to follow him on Twitter.

Short clip of Austin Powers in his cart. LOL

In the feedback section:

Brian from Australia chews me out about being lazy

Long Duck is back after listening to TD96: The Feedback Show, but before that he totally grosses us all out.

Finally, Justin shares his thoughts on TD106: How Will Amnesty Affect The Trucking Industry. And he does it in our favorite form; a rant.

You can email your comments, suggestions, questions, or insults to [email protected]

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Download the intro/outro songs for free! courtesy of Walking On Einstein

Mystery Feedback Song - Only a cheater would click this before listening to the podcast! You aren't a cheater, are you?

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