I've heard a buttload of drivers say that it's not worth it anymore to go through the hassle of getting your Hazmat Endorsement. So is that true? Well, perhaps there are some good reasons. Hit the Play button to see if you're screwing up by not having it.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

This is the last announcement for the Trucker Country CD by Erich McMcann. Enter to win 1 of 3 free copies by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line: Trucker Music. I DO NOT need your physical address at this time.

Freightliner's new Inspiration is the first licensed autonomous big rig in the U.S. Link includes a video demonstration.

The Trucking Podcast with Buck and Don is a great podcast that covers trucking and non-trucking stuff. This father-son duo have a lot of laughs, so if you aren't listening yet, click the link and start doing so.

How to get your Hazmat Endorsement and what the fees cover.

I do a brief Ace Ventura imitation… really poorly.

Missouri is the Show Me state

If you don't know what a hazmat placard is, well… you will in a second.

In the feedback section:

After much knashing of teeth and numerous recording devices, Greg sends in an audio clip about super truckers. Afterward, I wonder if other drivers consider me a super trucker due to the way I drive on snow-packed roads.

Michael Jackson (no, not that one… he's dead) listened to TD97: A Trucker's Worst Nemisis: Complacency and TD104: Complacency Strikes and writes in to tell us about his squirrely truck.

And lastly, 19-year veteran trucker Sam writes in and we have a discussion about driver complacency, driving in the oil fields, and going the speed limit. Afterward I start whining about how much work it takes to do this podcast. Surprise, surprise.

Sam also makes fun of my singing, so I point to a video of a much-younger me rocking some Led Zeppelin (WARNING: Explicit language) and some more recent (and much worse) singing I've done over at SingSnap.com

You can email your comments, suggestions, questions, or insults to [email protected]

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