Check out for the latest happenings in Natalie Land, tour dates, and fangirl merchandise, such as the new, limited edition pressing of Natalie's Through the Fog EP, rumored to be available on vinyl very soon. You can watch Natalie's talk show, "20 @ 10" on YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitch, or Instagram Live. Follow @natpricemusic on the Grams to stay in the loop. 

Natalie was recently selected for the Austin Music Foundation's Artist Development Program. The Foundation chooses 4 to 6 artists every year for specialized consultation. As one of those artists for 2021, Natalie is contributing two new, unreleased songs to a forthcoming compilation album.

Here's a link to the official Troubadours on Trek Spotify Playlist, where you can hear all the featured songs from every episode in one playlist (songs will be added as episodes air on Patreon):

-Natalie's song pairing for this episode: “Wreck of the Day” by Anna Nalick.

-Grace's song pairing for this episode: “Brothers in Arms” by Dire Straits

-Natalie's featured song is "Dreamwalker," from her Through the Fog EP.


As promised, here’s an excellently researched piece about the prevailing and incorrect belief that Ship’s Captains get to officiate for weddings: treaty between Earth and the Romulan Star Empire was not officially named in any episode of Star’s review of “Balance of Terror,” which is mentioned in this podcast: close is close enough to fire a space torpedo at a Romulan ship? Does anyone have the answer? I don't.As far as I can tell, the first appearance of the streaky star effect (where all the stars blur into lines streaking past the Enterprise when it goes into warp) was in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan, the second Star Trek movie. Wrath of Khan came out in 1982, five years after Star Wars debuted in 1977. Which means Star Wars did it first, as far as I can tell (someone correct me if I’m wrong). In the opening credits for the Original Series, we definitely get a whooshing noise as the Enterprise zooms through space, but no streaky star effect.