RachaelKilgour.com is the place to go for tour dates, music links, and the other “things that are on websites.” Rachael has a new EP out, Gamechanger, on all the expected listening platforms and is currently working on a new album exploring grief and her relationship with her late father, with the help of an “Artist Initiative Grant” from the state of Minnesota. Rachael and her partner Sara Pajunen have a side project called Sound an Echo. You can hear their original contemporary arrangements of American folk songs on an acoustic EP they made together at soundanecho.com.

Here's a link to the official Troubadours on Trek Spotify Playlist, where you can hear all the featured songs from every episode in one playlist (songs will be added as episodes air on Patreon):

-Rachael's song pairings for this episode: “If I Could Turn Back Time” by Cher and “So Sorry” by Feist

-Grace's song pairing for this episode: “Psycho Killer” by The Talking Heads

-Rachael's featured song is ... I totally forgot to ask her for one during this episode! But I'm pretty confident she would've said "Game Changer," because it's her latest single and it's great. And if she sees this and wants to add another song, I will certainly oblige.