Today Pete and I have Ariel Garten, one of the founders of
Muse 'your personal meditation assistant' with brain-sensing
technology to measure whether your mind is calm or active, and
translates those signals into guiding sounds helping you develop
zen like focus. We all know we need to reduce the noise and regain
focus to be as efficient and effective as possible and Pete and I
are looking forward to getting our mitts on a set of

In today’s episode, we discuss:

Meet Ariel Garten the founder
of Muse.
How a brain-sensing headband
can teach you to be calm.
Mind-wandering VS Focused
The feedback that muse
provides, and why it is so valuable.
Understanding mediation
How smartphones can help change
our brains (for the better).
Tracking real-time progressions
and improvements.
Shutting down the internal
The neuroscience of
Where you can get

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Enjoy the show!

Today Pete and I have Ariel Garten, one of the founders of
Muse 'your personal meditation assistant' with brain-sensing
technology to measure whether your mind is calm or active, and
translates those signals into guiding sounds helping you develop
zen like focus. We all know we need to reduce the noise and regain
focus to be as efficient and effective as possible and Pete and I
are looking forward to getting our mitts on a set of

In today’s episode, we discuss:

Meet Ariel Garten the founder
of Muse.
How a brain-sensing headband
can teach you to be calm.
Mind-wandering VS Focused
The feedback that muse
provides, and why it is so valuable.
Understanding mediation
How smartphones can help change
our brains (for the better).
Tracking real-time progressions
and improvements.
Shutting down the internal
The neuroscience of
Where you can get

Show Links

here to get 15% off your Muse device

Connect with Muse on Twitter

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