Journey Through Our Dietary Past: An Evolutionary Dining Experience
Dinner Party

It including these six themes:
Early Pliocene | 5 mya

Scavenger Gatherer
Late Pliocene | 3.5 mya

Hunter Gatherer
Early Paleolithic | 2.0 mya

Food Producer
Neolithic Revolution | 15,000 years ago

Food Consumer
Industrial Revolution to Present | 1700s – Present

Future of Food
Many people often ask what we are supposed to eat, but Dr. Schindler suggested we instead focus on the question: “How should we eat?”, how we are not designed to eat the same foods as other animals, what foods nourish and satiate us, how ancestral eating required the use of all of our senses, and how the modern industrial food system stripped this power from us. So this got me thinking more about the connection we have to our food and how it could be fun to create a similar type of dining experience. It may not be as intricately planned, but it could still be pretty cool.
If you’re wondering what an ancestral consists of, I’m referring to what people ate before modern agriculture, meaning that it will be animal-based.


Savory Suet pudding
Herbs, aromatics

Braised Oxtail Stew
Bone Broth, aromatics

Pork Bone Broth
Quail egg, aromatics

Slow Cooker Beef Cheeks
Aromatics, bone broth demi

Elk Steak
Elk Tenderloin, Fruit compote

Roasted Wild boar
Fruit and herb stuff roasted wild boar