Amy Weinland Daughters is a keynote speaker, letter writer, satirist, sports journalist, and the award-winning author of two books: Dear Dana: That time I went crazy and wrote all 580 of my Facebook friends a handwritten letter and You Cannot Mess This Up: A true story that never happened. She is absolutely convinced that when human beings connect individually in a meaningful way that nothing can separate them.


Instagram: @smokinhotamys



[1:00] You’re a storyteller, how did that come about after a degree in business?

[4:10] Where do you draw your inspiration from with writing?

[9:30] Hear the incredible story of a friendship from 35 years ago that was rekindled in a unique yet heartbreaking way

[17:45] Have you met up with your friend since your lightning bolt moment and letter-writing frenzy?

[19:00] What sort of response did you get from sending letters to each of your 580 Facebook friends?

[26:20] Where are you taking it?

[28:00] When you run the workshops do you have a range of ages?

[31:30] What’s your purpose or destiny?

[32:00] If your business had a personality or character who would it be?


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