Gill is an award-winning ICF-certified business coach, writer, speaker, and host of the Heads Together podcast.  Gill works with freedom-seeking, risk-taking female founders around the world to help them grow phenomenal businesses, doing the work that matters to them. She helps her clients go ALL IN to bring the full-fat version of their dream business to life. Gill believes that when you’re brave enough to do things your way and you’re outstanding at what you do, you deserve a life of infinite possibilities.




Fix Your Money Mindset guide:


[1:00] Tell us about the sign behind you ‘Don’t Be A Dick’

[3:00] What do you do?

[4:30] How was life before you started your business?

[8:30] Had you considered changing career before your life-changing event?

[10:30] How did you feel coming out of the corporate world?

[13:10} What was it like when you left and had no more ‘magic money’ appearing in your account every month with a secure job?

[16:00] How did you transition to a business coach?

[19:30] Who do you coach and how does it work?

[23:00] Advice from Aunt Sissy!

[25:00] Tell us about the retreats

[29:00] If your business had a personality or character who would it be?


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