Hundreds of millions of people use LinkedIn, but what’s the big deal? People just post their work history in aimless efforts to get a job, right?


The value of LinkedIn extends far beyond job searches. It’s an extremely valuable tool for entrepreneurs, marketers, salesmen, brand representatives, working professionals, and more.


Micky Deming and Michael Luchies are two who have both benefited greatly from using online to connect with and recruit new customers. Both Micky and Michael had profiles years before ever realizing the value that could come from it.


For Micky, LinkedIn was where he went to find trends among his target market and to start relationships that turned into partnerships and new customers. He was looking for a niche, and that turned out to be small law firms. As a provider of cloud accounting services (Kahuna Accounting), Micky used LinkedIn to locate these potential clients, and also find out what they had in common. When discovering that several of his current customers used the same practice management software, he saw an opportunity to connect and build a relationship with that company, which he did successfully on LinkedIn.


For Michael, LinkedIn was a way to get his articles out to his network and create a larger one. He used their publishing platform to generate incoming leads and more than double his network in less than six months.


As promised in the episode, here’s the download for 10 Reasons Your LinkedIn Profile Sucks, written by Michael Luchies. It’s a free resource we created to help you see where your profile can be improved and we’ll help you correct it. 


Do you already know what’s wrong with your LinkedIn profile and ready to do something about it? Start making the most out of your personal LinkedIn profile today by signing up for the TREPX Group quickSURF XPERT Essentials Guide to LinkedIn for only $40. You’ll also receive additional free bonus content from Michael Luchies, an invitation to the private LinkedIn Members Group, exclusive TREPX Group opportunities, and more.