Melissa Griffith and Dan Strafford join Mike Palmer for this special 2021 Kickoff show. What trends are top of mind for us as we lean into 2021? How will we turn the page from 2020 into the New Year? What have we learned?
We talk Biotech, EdTech, Data Privacy, and the enormous opportunities emerging in Learning due to the forcing function of rapid digital adoption in 2020 due to the pandemic.
Thanks so much for listening and here's to an incredible 2021 for all of our listeners both new and longtime! If you like what you're hearing, follow us at and wherever you listen to podcasts. And remember to spread the word as we continue to explore the future of learning in the New Year of 2021 and beyond!

Melissa Griffith and Dan Strafford join Mike Palmer for this special 2021 Kickoff show. What trends are top of mind for us as we lean into 2021? How will we turn the page from 2020 into the New Year? What have we learned?

We talk Biotech, EdTech, Data Privacy, and the enormous opportunities emerging in Learning due to the forcing function of rapid digital adoption in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Thanks so much for listening and here's to an incredible 2021 for all of our listeners both new and longtime! If you like what you're hearing, follow us at and wherever you listen to podcasts. And remember to spread the word as we continue to explore the future of learning in the New Year of 2021 and beyond!