The big day has arrived, "Loki" from Disney+ is here. Obviously, we are reviewing each episode week by week. For non-Marvel fans, do not worry there's more to this episode just check the timestamps. Did we love the first episode of Loki? Did we hate it? Listen to find out! Also on this episode, we cover a ton of news that happened this week including the OBX season 2 release date. Thank you so much, Netflix, for answering our nightly prayers. And, stick around to the end where Joey gives a rundown of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Joey is waiting to take the sorting quiz until he finishes watching but Natty takes it on the episode.

Let us know what you thought of this ep on the insta @bingebrospod. Also, don't forget to add us on Letterboxd. Follow us there to see our movie reviews (they don't do TV shows) @bingebros.


-Did You See (00:20)

-Loki S1 E1 (13:09)

-Harry Potter 3 (28:41)




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