Hola Hola G&Gs,

So in this EP, I talk with Dr Tiffany Gray. I meet her when I co-organized a panel on diversity and inclusion in the crypto space. She was one of the panelists. I didn't get to talk with her much then but paid attention to her social media postings. I was interested to hear more about her thoughts are on how blockchain could help the medical/healthcare industry. She definitely has some ideas on how this disruptive technology could be applied. But she also voices concern about what it means to just dump people's personal medical data into their laps of people without providing them the education on what it means to maintain positive control, managing it, or monetizing it.

As you will hear, she shares how she came into the space and what she understands about integrating blockchain into her field of expertise. Namely, that you have to ask the tough questions on how will this be practically implemented and what effect will it have on the bigger society? Dr Gray where's a number of hats and this positions her in the key to be asked questions and give the big wigs real answers.

Also please like, share, heart, thumbs up, leave a comment, or ask a question, and all the other call to action stuff your suppose to say. I can't get the word out without you'll. So thanks in advance and I appreciate you taking the time to listen. 

Guest: Dr Tiffany Gray

Music By: Manny Man

IG @MannyMan

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