The D-Day landings

Operation Overlord was one of the critical moments of the Second World War. It began on 6 June 1944 when the Allied forces landed around 150,000 troops on the beaches of Normandy in France.

Today, 6 June 1944 is commonly remembered as D-Day. Within a year of that date Europe was liberated, the NAZI regime was totally defeated and its figurehead Adolf Hitler was dead.

In this episode of Travels Through Time, the lecturer and military historian Dr Peter Caddick-Adams takes us back to May and June 1944.

The D-Day beaches

We watch the final exercises for D-Day going forward across the south coast of England and then we travel across the Channel with the Allied forces to the operational beaches: Omaha, Utah, Sword, Juno and Gold. The events that happened at this time and across these places would change the course of twentieth century history.

Scene One: 2/3 May 1944, Operation Fabius, south coast of England

Scene Two: 15 May 1944, The Thunderclap Conference. St Paul’s School, London. Final briefing for Operation Overlord.

Scene Three: 6 June 1944, Sword Beach, Normandy, France.

More about Sand and Steel by Dr Peter Caddick- Adams:

Presenter: Peter Moore

Guest: Dr Peter Caddick-Adams

Producer: Maria Nolan

Reading: Ryan Bernsten (