You are back from your trip and the photos are sitting there in memory on your home computer HD.  Make a slideshow! It’s easy and works well to build that travelogue story you have of your favourite holiday adventures.

Refrain from showing random shots,
or everything you took. Boring!

There are many ways to put together a slideshow, from just showing a folder of pix to a full-blown production. (Including beer & popcorn)

Otherwise these days it has all gotten so much easier and better in every regard. Anyone can put together a slideshow. It depends how much time, and interest you have.

There are some professional slideshow programs out there that can blow your socks off. But for now I'm going to look at the most basic and elementary concepts of stringing together your best travel photos from your holiday.

Everyone should be at least doing something like this, not to bore and frustrate their captive audience. In turn, your friends will be asking to see future shows and you'll only get better at producing great vacation slideshows.


Your audience who is it? What are they going to expect? What photos should you show, which should you not? How long should this slideshow be? 5-10-15 minutes
(Before people are bored and snoozing?) What pictures might be interesting for your audience? Do they want to be entertained or more informed?


Pick horizontal formatted photos, verticals can work but are tricky to use. Variety - avoid 10 shots of the same sunset, even if they are great. WOW them by grouping pix on subjects of interest. Do you have any themes you can develop? Add people photos + ones of you and your traveling group in them. Use wide, medium and close-up shots to establish and close in on detail. Add maps, titles, signs, a soundtrack, narration. Aim to build a story, a mood, a feeling around your show. This is a travel slideshow keep it that way. Stay on topic.

Prep slides:

Only show your best pictures, edit ruthlessly and when in doubt cut it out! Fix cropping, exposure, color balance and do retouching. Resize your photos down to a smaller slideshow size of 2000 pixels wide. Save as... in a new folder, copy show files Sort the order of photos to build your travel story (optional). Rename files numerically to keep show order (look for bulk renaming apps to make this easy).