You are about to head out the door on a holiday, camera at the ready. So what does one take on a vacation? Well most of us shoot a collection of random photos and videos as we go along over the span of our trip.

Sometimes this works and when we arrive home there is a travelogue show we can cobble together, other times there is too much of one day and less of another. What is left to work with could be disjointed and may not produce a smooth coherent travel show.

Now you could just shotgun the trip with endless photo/video coverage of places, people and events but that is more work and less relaxing then anyone wants for a vacation.

The first thing to decide for a trip shooting schedule is whether to make your show a daily journal. I often do a chronological timeline of my trips but it has its shortcomings.

Showing what you did day after day can be very orderly and can be a great record of how the trip went when you look at it years later. Where is can have weak spots is on the days not much happens, the weather sucks or you felt lazy and left the camera back at the hotel room. Break away from this structured timeline.

Here is a simple way to better that effort. Typically we all gravitate to shooting content of things we like; be it flowers, architecture, birds, fishing, surfing, markets, street scenes….so on. So do more of that and be better at it!

What you need to do is commit to a few thematic subjects and be consistent with your coverage.

Documenting your interests and showing your personality through your photo/video content will add that special Zing (technical term) to your travelogue shows.