The Traveling the Jundland Wastes Podcast (2010-2024) artwork

The Traveling the Jundland Wastes Podcast (2010-2024)

271 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings

An exploration of the issues, ideas and the imagination in the Star Wars expanded universe.

TV & Film star wars jedi force
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January 03, 2013 13:08

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! It's official! The TJW Podcast is back on the road. We will be podcasting at the New England Comics store (732 Washington Street in Norwood, Massachusetts) on January 9, 2013 6:00PM - 7:45PM. We will be celebrating the launch of the new original trilogy era comic called Star Wars. In addition we will discuss how this new comic might have an impact on the new Star Wars Episode 7 movie. Plus, get some great deals on Star Wars comics and merchandise at the s...

BREAKING NEWS! Star Wars Comic Launch Party and Podcast!

December 13, 2012 15:01

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! It's official! The TJW Podcast is back on the road. We will be podcasting at the New England Comics store (732 Washington Street in Norwood, Massachusetts) on January 9, 2013 6:00PM - 7:45PM. We will be celebrating the launch of the new original trilogy era comic called Star Wars. In addition we will discuss how this new comic might have an impact on the new Star Wars Episode 7 movie. Plus, get some great deals on Star Wars comics and merchandise at the st...

Holiday Fun and Han Solo Adventures

December 12, 2012 18:57

Hi there travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Happy holidays to everyone! The holiday season is a great time for Star Wars Expanded Universe fans. So much new offerings in books and comics. We have the Star Wars 1313 video game in the works. And who doesn't like to add to their Star Wars action figure collection? This past week I was able to find time to switch out my new Vintage Collection figures for ones that I did not even off the card yet. I had a nice bunch going back to the Phantom Men...

TJW Podcast - Super Megafest Megacast!

November 23, 2012 18:10

Hey there travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Happy holidays to all of our podcast listeners! It's a great time of the year and we hope you are enjoying the holidays with friends and family. The holiday season started a little early for us here at the TJW Podcast by our attendance at Super Megafest in Framingham, Massachusetts this past Sunday. What a great time! We met up with some great Star Wars artists, chatted with some legends from the comic book industry, caught up with some friends i...

More Thoughts on Star Wars Episode 7

November 02, 2012 12:28

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! It's that time of year when the fall starts to wind down and the Hoth-like winter conditions are just around the corner. But it is also the start of the winter holiday season which is just a lot of fun. People start to get into better spirits, lots of tasty treats seem to be in abundance at the work office and school classrooms and the first snow of the season is always exciting to see. But for a Star Wars fan, I think it's is even a more special time of...


October 31, 2012 12:15

The Star Wars world has been abuzz for the past 24 hours with the news that Disney has acquired Lucasfilm. And in addition, Star Wars episodes 7, 8 and 9 will be a reality in movie theaters come 2015. I was just home from work when Dan called me with this breaking news. I was flabbergasted to say the least. I always thought that Lucasfilm would be that independent film company (granted, a multi-billion dollar independent film company) that would stay hold to the ideas that they are the only...

TJW Podcast - Episode 7

October 23, 2012 23:32

Hey there travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Darth Dan and I are back in the studio for another episode of the podcast. As many of you already know, Dan and I are fans of the tales and stories from the Old Republic days. We have both played Knights of the Old Republic, have enjoyed the Tales of the Jedi comic and have kept up with the latest offering under The Old Republic banner. One of the biggest items to hit this year was Biowares long anticipated MMO PC game called Star Wars: The Old ...

TJW Podcast - Episode 6

September 05, 2012 19:13

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! Darth Dan and I are back in the studio for another episode of the Traveling the Jundland Wastes Podcast. While we are not going to be at Star Wars Celebration 6 in Orlando, Florida this week, we are still excited about all the happenings in the Star Wars universe. In this episode we discuss Expanded Universe titles we are reading, the great Star Wars Celebration 6 art prints and Dan shades some new light on how to watch all six Star Wars movies. And wh...

Post Star Wars Celebration 6 Thoughts

August 30, 2012 13:59

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! Star Wars Celebration 6 is in the books! For those who were able to make it to Orlando, it seems like it was a blast! The news coming off Star Wars fan sites, podcasts and social media has been fast and furious. It seems like it was the best Star Wars Celebration yet! And it seems like the party is going to continue next summer in Germany for Star Wars Celebration Europe II. For the TJW Podcast, it looks like we will have to wait a couple more years fo...

Summer Heat and Star Wars

July 17, 2012 12:12

Hey there Jundland Wastes travelers! It was so hot today here in south eastern Massachusetts! I am sure it's not as hot as it will be in Orlando for Star Wars Celebration 6 in a couple weeks...but I can imagine the heat and humidity will be there for the convention. As I was trying to cool down last night I decided to take out my sketchbook and draw another Jundland Wastes picture. I decided to go with Ben Kenobi for this sketch. I recently just picked up his 2004 Vintage Trilogy figure and...

Not Going to C6? No Worries! There is Still Lots of Star Wars Fun to Have!

July 16, 2012 16:04

Hey there Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Yes, it has been a while since I last posted a blog or a podcast episode. I am hoping that I will be able to post more as the summer ends and the autumn season begins. Life tends to be pretty "non-routine" during the summer and I hope to have a more consistent routine as it regards the podcast by the time the leaves begin to change color. But it is the summer season and it means going out and enjoying the weather, maybe going to the beach, getting ...

Marion Ravenwood, Indiana Jones and the Blurays!

June 25, 2012 12:04

Hey there Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! I know it has been a while since our last update. The spring and summer around the headquarters of the TJW Podcast has been mighty busy. But we do have shows coming up so stay tuned! Without a doubt, everyone is in full comic con mode with the summer season. And to add to it, Star Wars Celebration 6 will be taking place this August in Orlando, FL. It doesn't look like the TJW Podcast will be in Orlando for this event. But we are hopeful for Star ...

Behold...the Mighty Chewbacca!

May 21, 2012 17:33

The sketch book was open again yesterday and this time I wanted to draw the one and only Chewbacca. Maybe it is not the best Chewie I have done but it does give that "Wookie rage" that all Star Wars fans enjoy! More to come soon about our next podcast! All the best, Mark - Co-host of the TJW Podcast Wookie Rage on the Page!

Sketching Star Wars and a New Logo

May 16, 2012 13:00

Imperial Sandtrooper by TJW Podcast Host Mark Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! Last night I was on my couch having a lemonade and sketching some Star Wars art in my sketchbook.  Here is the latest entry to the sketchbook.  Maybe we will use for the TJW Podcast patch and logo? It does show an Imperial Sandtrooper traveling across the sands of Tatooine and the Jundland Wastes with the twins suns beginning to set in the horizon. And I also threw in a couple moisture vaporators. I actuall...

The Official TJW Podcast Denim Jacket!

May 14, 2012 12:35

Hello Jundland Wastes Travelers! So what does a podcaster like myself prefer to wear at live shows and comic conventions and celebrations? The answer is my favorite Levis denim jacket with some great Star Wars patches and pins! Some may think I am stuck in the 1980's but I will always believe that the Levis denim jacket is a classic and will never go out of style. It is comfortable and perfect for patches and pins. At Boston Comic Con this past April I actually had people checking out my...

TJW Podcast Interview - Star Wars Artist Katie Cook

May 14, 2012 11:57

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes - Here is the other interview we did while at Boston Comic Con this past April. We were honored to have a moment to speak with Star Wars artist Katie Cook! She is also doing an art print for Star Wars Celebration 6 in Orlando, Florida this August. Katie has worked on many comic books, the Star Wars Galaxy series sets and has her own original comic called The Gronk. Check out our interview with her and we hope to speak to her again before Star Wars Cele...

TJW Podcast Interview - Star Wars Artist Doug Cowan

May 14, 2012 11:53

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! The TJW Podcast was on the road last month for Boston Comic Con! As you can see from previous posts it was a lot of fun for both Dan and I. We had a great time roaming Artist Alley and getting to meet many comic book artists and illustrators.  We got a chance to chat with Star Wars artist Doug Cowan. Doug has done many Star Wars illustrations including work on the Star Wars Galaxy card sets and prints for Star Wars Celebration. And yes, Doug will have...

Star Wars Mini Spring Celebration!

May 08, 2012 13:39

Hello Jundland Wastes Travelers! I hope everyone was able to celebrate "May the 4th Be With You" Day last week. For a Star Wars fan it was a bit of a mini celebration complete with some great deals on Star Wars products throughout the weekend. Probably the best deal of the weekend was a free Star Wars comic book given out for Free Comic Book Day on May 5th (or for hard core fans it was "Revenge of the 5th" day). I was not able to attend the celebration at my local comic book store but a goo...

A Fun Month for the TJW Podcast!

April 25, 2012 15:08

Greetings Fellow Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! This has been a pretty fun month for us here in the Jundland Wastes. So many new Expanded Universe titles and a couple fun events.Back in March we had our first live show with Star Wars author Ryder Windham. We also had some of the troops from the 501st Legion New England Garrison present as well. It was a great evening. We chatted with Ryder about his latest books and Star Wars in general. And we had some great fans of the podcast in attenda...

TJW Podcast Archives - Episode 5

March 30, 2012 11:07

We're back in the studio chatting about Star Wars and the Expanded Universe! We have headlines, an update on what we are reading these days, a discussion of lightsaber duels, a quick review of a Ryder Windham title and another one of Dan's Star Wars revelations! Stay tuned for show notes and our next episode!

TJW Podcast Archives - Episode 4

March 30, 2012 11:06

We're once again traveling the Jundland Wastes! It has been a while since we did our last podcast. But we're back in the studio and getting back into the groove. This week we chat about the latest in Star Wars comics including Knight Errant and Darth Vader and the Lost Command. We touch upon some ideas concerning the original trilogy and the Star Wars EU. And we both discuss some not-so-recent EU titles that have caught our interest.

TJW Podcast Archives - Episode 3

March 30, 2012 11:05

Mark and Dan are back in the studio and chatting about some new and not so new Expanded Universe titles that they have read over this long and cold winter. So get a hot cup of coffee, fire up the converters and get ready for some Star Wars EU chat!

TJW Podcast Archives - Episode 2

March 30, 2012 11:04

Mark and Dan chat about some Star Wars EU game titles including The Force Unleashed 2 and the upcoming RPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. Plus other ideas and insights into the Expanded Universe.

TJW Podcast Archives - Episode 1

March 30, 2012 11:00

Our first podcast recorded back in August 2010 is now available to download. We are going to try and get more episodes up as soon as we can. And while our previous posts mentioned that we were going to be talking about the character of Mara Jade and the novel Allegience by Timothy Zahn, we decided to put this on hold until later this year as the 20th anniversary of the Zahn trilogy approaches.

TJW Podcast - An Evening With Ryder Windham

March 28, 2012 18:22

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Here for your listening pleasure is our interview with Star Wars author Ryder Windham! Stay tuned for pictures of the TJW Podcast staff and our guests from our first live event! If you were at the event last night let us know what you thought of it! Add a comment below are send us an email. All the best, Mark Co-host of the TJW Podcast


March 27, 2012 11:52

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Tonight is the night! Our live podcast event with Star Wars author Ryder Windham and joining us will be members of the 501st Legion New England Garrison! The podcast interview will start at 6:15PM and be about 35 - 45 minutes. Ryder will then sign autographs for our fans! And you will be able to meet members of the greatest Star Wars costuming group of all time, the 501st Legion! Here's the info you need to know! March 27, 2012 6:15PM - 7:45PM Shar...

Have You Ever Heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

March 16, 2012 13:18

...Yes I have! Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! I just finished listening to the Darth Plagueis audiobook by James Luceno (read by Daniel Davis). What an amazing novel! It is a must read for any Star Wars fan and, im my opinion, one of the top five Star Wars novels of all time. We first learned about this Sith Lord back in Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. While watching a Mon Calamari water opera, Chancellor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious has a private conversation with Anakin Skywalker i...

Revan - TJW Book Review

March 06, 2012 14:21

Ever since I began playing the Knights of the Old Republic on my original Xbox, I became fascinated with the characters that were introduced into this time period of the Old Republic. And anyone who knows me, has listened to the podcast or read my posts on the blog, know that I am intrigued with the characters of Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and former Sith Lord Darth Revan. Much like the Han and Leia in the Original Trilogy, Darth Revan and Bastila Shan are that couple that play off each other...

TJW Podcast Event Flyer!

March 02, 2012 12:50

We look forward to seeing you at our podcast event! See ya soon Jundland Wastes travelers! Mark

Breaking News! Live Show Info!

February 23, 2012 15:19

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! The Traveling the Jundland Wastes Podcast will record a live show with a public audience on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 from 6:15PM - 7:45PM in the Cynthia B. Fox Community Room at the Sharon Public Library, 11 North Main Street in the center of Sharon,MA. TJW Podcast host Mark has the honor of interviewing New York Times best selling Star Wars author Ryder Windham. This will be Ryders first appearance on the podcast. He will discuss some of his more re...

Favorite EU Characters, KOTOR and Revan

February 14, 2012 15:27

Favorite Expanded Universe Characters Have you ever found yourself wondering who your favorite Jedi or Sith is from the entire Star Wars universe? It seems like a question that is not answerable. Depending on what movie was coming out (or being re-released) or what Expanded Universe literature I am currently reading seems to influence my decision. But after some deep thought on the matter I think that Qui Gon-Jinn is my favorite light side wielder of the Force from the movies. And if I had ...

The Wrath Of Darth Maul - TJW Podcast Review

February 09, 2012 14:38

FYI: This is a spoiler free review of the novel! Darth Maul is back in a big way this year. More then any other Expanded Universe story, the return of Darth Maul is probably the biggest Star Wars story arc for 2012. The 3D version of the Phantom Menace is hitting theaters this week, we know that Darth Maul is returning to the Clone Wars animated series later this year, the Expanded Universe is ripe with Sith titles in a big way this year (check out my previous blogpost about some of these S...

Live Podcast Show Coming Soon!

January 31, 2012 13:34

Hey there Jundland Wastes Travelers! Stay tuned for information regarding are first ever live show! Well, it's not going to be a live streaming podcast but it will be a live event that you will be able to attend. We will record the show and post it on iTunes and on the blog. I am really excited about doing this show and our special guests who will be in attendance for it. Keep checking back for more information! All the best, Mark Co-host of the TJW Podcast

A Little Bit of Tatooine on my Wrist

January 31, 2012 12:52

Hey there Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Yesterday I opened the mailbox and found my Save the Lars Homestead limited edition watch. This watch was made as part of the fundraiser to help restore the actual "igloo" Lars homestead as seen in Episodes 2,3 and 4. This watch has the iconic "igloo" along with a moisture vaporator and the binary suns. And the coolest part of the watch is the capsule behind the timepiece which contains actual sand from Tatooine,uh,er, Tunisia. And to cap it off, I...

The First Snow and Some Action Figure Fun!

January 24, 2012 17:47

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! We had some snow this past weekend here in the northeast. This is the view from the Jundland Wastes headquarters (I admit it looks a little more like Kyshyyk in the winter rather then the dry sands of the Dune Sea and the Jundland Wastes). So after I finished shoveling my driveway I was inspired to rearrange my current Vintage collection figures in my brand new APEX display case. This is a great case to display figures! Just be sure to get some figur...

The Art of Action Figure Display

January 11, 2012 17:54

Hello Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Last night I was finally able to open up my Modern Vintage figures, take out my display case and get them on figure stands. My busy schedule does not leave me much time these days so it has been a challenge to find time to get to work on this project. display. Thanks to a lot of helpful advice on figure collecting and storage on the internet, I have been able to get most of my figures on stands to display or have them stored in sturdy plastic cases aw...

"Ph"abulous Phantom Menace "Ph"igures!

January 09, 2012 14:45

Greetings Jundland Wastes Travelers! It has been quite a start to 2012 for the Star Wars universe. My last post mentioned all the extraordinary Expanded Universe books that are either available now or will be in the coming weeks. But as most of you know just from listening to the podcast that I am also collecting action figures from Hasbros current Vintage Collection. It has been a challenge getting these figures. The distribution has been spotty for some figures. But all in all, I am very s...

It's All About Sith This Year!

January 04, 2012 20:14

Hello Jundland Wastes Travelers! The weather is starting to get cold here in the northeast of the United States but the Expanded Universe titles are heating up this winter season! More specifically, it looks like that the EU is going to spend a good amount of time and energy on exploring the secrets of the Sith this year. Just take a look at what has already come out and what we can expect in the next few week! Crimson Empire III - This Dark Horse comic book series has returned after a long ...

Thinking About Custom Cardbacks

December 29, 2011 17:40

Greetings Travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone! I am sure everyone is still sorting through their Star Wars loot as they read this posting. And I'm sure the current Vintage Collection figures showed up as gifts for some of our listeners as well. The current Hasbro Vintage Collection has brought many fans back to the collecting hobby. These brand new vintage style figures on a classic Star Wars cardback has really struck an emotional chord for a l...

Happy Holidays from the TJW Podcast!

December 23, 2011 15:09

Hello fellow travelers of the Jundland Wastes! It has been a while but I wanted to send a transmission during these happy holidays! Dan and I are going to get back in the studio soon, 2011 was a bit of tough year in getting our podcasts up and running. But we are hopeful that in the new year of 2012 that we will be able to supply more podcasts and posts for your enjoyment. Star Wars is fun year round but I think it is especially great to chat about during the winter holidays. We all have wis...

BREAKING NEWS! Co-host Dan Will Get a Firsthand Look at The Old Republic MMO!

November 09, 2011 17:06

As most Star Wars Expanded Universe fans know, the release of Biowares MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game Star Wars: The Old Republic this coming December is probably going to be one of the biggest events to happen in the Star Wars EU this year. Jundland Wastes traveler and co-host Dan is by far one of the best resources when it comes to Star Wars gaming and gaming in general. He has played both Knights of the Old Republic games for Xbox numerous times as well as other popular titles su...

Star Wars EU Catch-Up List

October 28, 2011 14:01

Hey there fellow travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Anyone who lives on the east coast of the US is going to get their first taste of winter this weekend. A nor'easter is working its way up to the TJW Podcast studios. So depending on when it gets here I am thinking it might be a "stay inside" weekend. And catching up on some Star Wars Expanded Universe titles is a great way to pass the time. I'm going to brew up some good coffee, break out a tasty muffin and crack open this titles on my cat...

Secret Missions and Fate of the Jedi

October 27, 2011 16:08

This past week I finished the third novel in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Secret Missions series by author Ryder Windham. This set of novels takes place during the Clone Wars and I believe is matching up pretty closely to the timeline of the animated series on Cartoon Network. The fourth novel is due out soon. This series is about Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama, a squad of Republic Clone Troopers, a former assassin druid and a female scoundrel named Lalo Gunn. Nuru's master Ring-Sol Ambase di...

The Mysteries of Degobah

October 26, 2011 13:49

The release of all six Star Wars movies on Bluray has given members of the Star Wars community a fresh new take on the greatest saga of all time. The enhanced sound, video and improvements to the movies gave us another reason to celebrate our admiration and passion for the franchise. While I have not yet purchased the Bluray set (I am hoping that it will be Chanukah gift in a couple months), I know that I am looking forward to revisiting Yoda on the planet Degobah in The Empire Strikes Back...

Star Wars in Concert Pics!

October 25, 2011 16:07

As I mentioned in the previous blogpost, here are some other pics from that fabulous evening! Pademe Amidala's Royal Attire Zam Wessel's Bounty Hunter Gear Jedi Master Plo Koon The Wisest of Wise...Master Yoda C-3PO...Human Cyborg Relations... A Wookie named Chewbacca Imperial Officer Uniform The Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! I can feel your gives you focus...makes you stronger. You have failed me for the last time Admiral... Gotta love...

Star Wars in Concert Memories

October 25, 2011 11:58

Two years ago next month I was in attendance for Star Wars in Concert at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI. It was such a fun event! Prior to the show we were able to view costumes, art work and other items straight from the Lucasfilm vault. That in itself was worth the price of admission. Plus, I had the chance to meet some of the members of the New England 501st and Rebel Legion. It was the first time I was able to get a first hand look at their costumes. The members I spoke to...

Some Extra Finds Outside the Star Wars Universe

October 19, 2011 17:00

I almost forgot to include these autographs as well. They are not from the Star Wars Universe but still actresses and characters that I have enjoyed in the past. Marina Sirtis who played Counselor Deanna Troi in Star Trek: TNG. Lea Thompson who played Caroline in "Caroline in the City" well as other big hit movies and TV shows.

Jundland Wastes Treasure Chest

October 19, 2011 16:33

Remember back in Star Wars: A New Hope (Ep 4) when Obi Wan opens the wooden chest in his home and takes out the lightsaber "that Luke's father wanted him to have when he was old enough"? I always wondered what else did Obi Wan keep in that wooden chest. I am sure we all have some ideas. I think some ideas were presented in the Life and Legend of Obi Wan Kenobi by Ryder Windham but we never really see what else he kept in that chest. So while we may never know what Obi Wan kept in that ches...

We're Getting Back on Our Banthas!

October 19, 2011 16:20

Hello fellow travelers of the Jundland Wastes! It has been a while since we sent a clear transmission. Dan and I are hopeful that we will be back in the studio for our autumn edition of the TJW Podcast! Plus we are going to post soon our audio commentary of the Microseries as well. We have a lot to chat about and are looking forward to getting back to reporting on the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Stay tuned and watch out for Tusken Raiders! Mark and Dan Co-hosts of the TJW Podcast

A Lot to Look Forward to in the Star Wars Universe!

August 12, 2011 11:36

Hello fellow travelers of the Jundland Wastes! Thanks to everyone who has asked about the Microseries audio commentary. Dan and I are preparing this episode and we hope to have posted next week. The summer is starting to come to a close but things are just starting to heat up again in the Star Wars Expanded Universe! Not to mention of course the story of the year...Star Wars in Blu-ray! Plus all the new titles coming out this fall including the already restarted comic book series Star Wars D...


The Phantom Menace
2 Episodes