Troy Erstling is the founder of Brain Gain which helps young professionals find employment and internships with startups in emerging economies. What started as a simple Facebook group led to questions flying in from all over the world. Questions like “How did you find a job in India?”, “How are you working for a start-up?”, “I hate my job and I want to travel, what should I do?!”. Seeing that there was a significant demand of people just like himself who want to travel and work abroad, he was inspired to start this service.
In this episode we first talk about how amazing and serendipitous travel and living abroad can be. While talking to a friend at a cafe in Bangalore India, another local friend overhears them and hires them for sound recordings for cartoons in India. Then we talk about how he made his way from the US to teaching English in Korea when he noticed it was difficult to transition into a new career. He then applied for an internship in India and saw the value in this. So he has put together a company which helps young talented professionals get internships in the developing world. Although the pay may look lower, based on the local costs, it could actually give a better quality of life. Also, the responsibilities given can be much higher, essentially giving you the experience of someone 10 years your senior. I wish this had existed when I was young and I would highly recommend anyone looking to start their career to look into this.